Privacy Policy

Wiki and Fact are very much concerned about the privacy of our visitors. We are aware that one’s personal information and interest must be valued. We utilize all the factors to keep your Personally Identifiable Information (PII) safe and secure. At the same time, we also use those data to make your experience in our platform as best as we can.

This Privacy Policy Page includes information about how we collect data, and where we use it. We suggest our visitors read the privacy policy thoroughly to better understand the procedure.

Who we are

Wiki and Fact is a website that provides biography about different sportspeople. We provide detailed information regarding their family, net worth, salary, relationship status, and many more.

Our website address is


We have a service to allow our users to comment on our website. The comment you do will be displayed to other users too. So, do not comment on your personal information.

However, we have a strict policy on spam. So, in cases, we may disallow you to comment on our site


Yes, Wiki and Fact make use of cookies.

A cookie is a small piece of information that we use to monitor your activities in our information. This helps us remember certain information in each session that helps in personalizing the content.

The cookies are used for the convenience of our users, especially while commenting on our website. You do not have to fill out the form multiple times while using the service.

What Personal Information do we collect from our visitors?

There are mainly 2 types of information we collect from our visitors.

  1. Account Information
  2. Other Information

Account Information

If you wish to use the major services like subscribing, fill out the form, then we may ask you to enter your personal details like name, email address, contact information, and others. It will be done all with your consent. So, we recommend you to not give secured information like passwords, Bank accounts, etc.

Other Information

We also collect information based on the way you use our services. It includes details about how our visitor is from, what you view, and how you respond to the content on our website.

How do we use your information?

Wiki and Fact collect and uses the data with the sole purpose of customizing our contents according to visitors’  interests.

  • We use those data to understand the patterns of usage of our users. This helps us personalize the contents.
  • We may also personal information you give to us to communicate with you. We can send you emails to give important updates and notices.

How do we secure your information?

The main priority of Wiki and Fact is to secure the information of our users. We are committed to doing this using fit physical and electronic tools and procedures.  We make use of trustworthy technologies, SSL, that use encryption technology that safeguards sensitive data passed between systems.

Despite the use of all tools, due to the nature of the Internet which can be unsafe. So, we suggest you not share private information.

Do you have rights regarding your data with us?

Though we use the data we collect to benefit our users. We are fully aware of the data protection rights of our visitors.

  • You have the right to not continue our service.
  • You have the right to data portability.
  • You have the right to access the data.

Privacy Statement Updates

We may require to change the policies about the usage of our website. We do not provide any notices concerning the changes. So, we suggest visitors read the privacy policy frequently.

By using the services of our website, you agree with our privacy policy.

If you have any questions about the privacy policy of Wiki and Fact, please contact us.